Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Useful Phrases

  • One of the most obvious advantages of __________ is ____________
  • .......This means/can mean that .........
  • .......This (fact) is largely due to ...........
  • It is clear that .........
  • On the whole, it seems that .......
  • We must take into account the fact that .........
  • It goes without saying that .......
  • It is important to balance ( a positive point) against (a negative point)
  • .....For example/ For instance....
  • ..... In other words, .........

Sequencing Ideas

Introductory Phrases

  • To begin with ......./ First of all ....../ First and foremost......
  • In the second place ....../ Secondly.....
  • A second area to consider is.....
  • Next,.... / Then...../ Another point to consider is....
  • Finally........ /Last but not least....

Concluding Phrases

  • To summarise ....... / To sum up..../
  • In conclusion ...... / On the whole ....
  • Overall, I would say that ......

Adding Information

  • also
  • besides
  • furthermore
  • in addition
  • moreover
  • what is more


When you write a discursive essay:

  • Do not just give a list of unsubstantiated points. Expand your statements and develop your ideas.
  • Do not generalise. Always back up your points with examples.
  • Do not give a lot of vague, historical detail. Keep to the question!
  • Do not overuse connectors. If you put connectors in where they are not needed or use too many too close together, your text will be unconvincing and difficult to follow.